Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Official Christmas

Perhaps a few of you remember the ever popular thefedoraboy.diaryland.com. This is its continuation. I've started it out of sheer boredom. 40 hours a week I'm here at work doing customer service and I have run out of things to do on the internet (at least, work appropriate things). So I'm postponing my novel in order to write a blog. And if a few of you who live far away check on it occasionally, then it is probably worth while.

I'm continaully amazed at how many people have no idea how to conduct a normal conversation with a costumer service rep. How many people can call having no idea what they want to order or are surprised, even angry, to find there is a service fee or fight with their spouses or let their children scream and dogs bark in the background. I don't think most of these people are rude or stupid in real life but give them a phone and a stranger and they lose their wits.

But you'll here plenty about customers, today's blog is about administration. The official holiday for christmas was Monday, 12/26. But that means that the people that worked ON christmas don't get double holiday pay because that's not the official holiday. Holy Shit! If I had come in on Christmas day and found out I wasn't getting holiday pay I would have gone nuts! I wouldn't have dropped it till I talked to every damn person in the place. That is rediculously messed up.
And that is where I work.

By the way, Phil Ranker, if you ever read this thanks for the Family Guy. Great gift.


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