Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Lost Gloves

I lost my gloves today on the subway. They were good gloves and they served me well (leather, a christmas present from my sister two winters ago) but I set them on my lap and rushed to leave a busy subway and they were dropped to the floor. I guess I'll never see them again. I'm a little sad.

Lost glove day. 12/28. A day that will live in infamy.

Isn't there a children's poem about a kitten that lost her mittens? Anyone remember how that goes?

In other news, I have two interviews over the next two days for stage management positions. They both look like big busy shows so I'll see what they have to say. I've finally gotten to the point where I'm comfortable turning down shows. A show has to have potential for great contacts or pay decently to be considered. Oh and I just got a very nice email from Fort Worth Opera turning down my ASM application. I think very highly of comapnies that bother to contact you when they aren't interested.


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