Thursday, December 29, 2005

Prosthetic Limb

The MTA has advertisements in their subway cars and sometimes they use the space themselves to keep riders informed of all the things the MTA isn't doing to help the public. One advertisement shows that the MTA has a lost and found if you’ve lost something on the subway (I hope someone takes home my gloves and treats them well. I've already replaced them). And there is a cartoon style picture of all the things you could have lost such as: cd players, numerous balls and games, sunglasses, crutches (that's a stretch, but I'll take it). But by far the one that stands out, right in the middle, is a prosthetic leg.
"Yes I'm here to check out the lost and found, I seem to have lost my FAKE LIMB!"
It has to be a joke. Someone at the MTA thought it would be very funny to put it on there, but it sure looks like they meant it. Maybe they ran out of things you could possibly lose on the subway and they really worry someone might lose their prosthetics.

Another advertisement is for a visual art school, or something. They have a "catchy" motto on their sign that reads "How bad do you want to be good." How BAD??? Try how badly!!! Now I know what they're going for here. It's a motto. They don't want it to sound up tight. But how dare any want-to-be “educational” institution flaunt poor grammar so fragrantly. I know my grammar is rarely perfect, but I'm not


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