Monday, January 02, 2006

Plan Ahe...

On New Year's Even I rode home to Baltimore with my sister who lives a 10 minute walk from me and who I see once a month at best. Actually, I slept most of the way. Anyway, the poor girl is not going to be able to attend classes this semester. She and her girlfriend were both taking classes this semester but unfortunately they can't afford next semester's tuition.
Now, this is sad. It really sucks for her because her future plans had depended upon her taking these classes and now the whole plan of moving out of NYC might be put on hold. But, come on Kerry! What were you thinking? Why did BOTH of you start taking classes without a plan of you were going to continue taking classes? You know how much classes cost and would cost to continue for another semester. I'm disappointed that you won't be taking classes, but I'm also disappointed that you didn't think this through a little more.

And I'm banking on Kerry never reading this blog; for my sake.


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