Friday, January 20, 2006

If Tim is Issac Newton, I'm an apple.

First things first: Tim has resolved the USA Today question.

Tim: The scientific reason is that the stuff needs to travel that fast in order to stay in orbit. If it goes slower the earth’s gravity will pull it down to earth.

Ok, but what about stationary weather satellites?

Tim: They are further out or further in so they can coordinate G=Cm1m2/R. The speed must counteract this gravitational force.

Makes sense, but how about some proof?

Tim: Want the Formula? V = the square root (G * earth’s mass/r). G = universal constant of Gravitation and r = r, earth + altitude of the space craft.

Half way down:

I didn’t actually attempt the formula so we’ll have to take Tim’s word that it does indeed come out to 17,500 mph (after converting m/s to mph of course).

So there you have it. Good work Tim, I knew I could count on you. And semi-good work USA Today. You’re still not much of a paper though.

In football news, every football analyst talks about how good the Steelers are. When they break the game down they talk about Polamalu, Big Ben, Parker and Bettis, and how Plummer needs to not screw up, but then when they go to predict the score it’s always Broncos by 3 in a low scoring game (the spread of home field advantage). Why are they all such Pansies?! Either talk about why the Broncos are the better team or pick the damn Steelers.

It’ll be tough to start, but the Steelers pull away with a comfortable lead: 31-23


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