Wednesday, January 18, 2006

USA Today

I had some free time yesterday so I read a paper cover to cover. Well, sort of. It was a USA Today and I’m not sure that counts as a real paper, but they were out of NY Times. Anyway, here are my thoughts of a few stories.

- Al Gore got a fourth page article about a speech he made disapproving of government spying (big surprise). It made me wonder, what ever happened to Dan Quayle? I haven’t heard about him for years. Why do we hear so much more about Al Gore? Is Al Gore trying harder? Is it because Al got a run at the president that Dan never did? Or is it because Dan Quayle is an idiot and no one misses him?

- There was an article about how many space walking missions are needed to complete the space station and how dangerous they are. “They are 220 Miles above the Earth, moving at about 17,500 mph.” First, I don't know if this is true. We here on the Earth are traveling at 1,000 MPH (24,000 mile circumference in 24 hours). How are astronauts, only 200 miles away traveling 17 times as fast? Second, what does it matter?! You only feel acceleration (like riding in an elevator). It's not like they feel wind resistance up there or can tell how fast they're going based on the relativity of close objects. It looks like an impressive number USA Today, but someone should have told you it means nothing.

- Infiniti is putting out a concept car with a full length glass roof. How cool is that?! Huge windshields, just a strip of metal in the middle connecting the two windows; I just wonder what they’ll do about the sun. Also Lexus is putting out a car with an 8-speed transmission. Interesting.


At 11:02 AM, Blogger cainnum said...

hey i just randomly landed on your blog. dan quayle is probably trying to land a role on the apprentice right now. the astronauts are probably traveling a bit slower actually, due to the fact that they're probably always high. and a glass roof? what about hail, really big bird poop, or asteroids?


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