Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"Write Ups"

The other day at work I was late and was told that the next time I’m late I will be getting a “write up.” Granted I have been late an abnormal amount recently, but never more than 5 minutes at a time. I think my exact reaction was “good thing I’m quite used to being written up.” Which got me thinking back to some of the “write ups” I have received over the years.

6th Grade – “Fighting” or as Ray reminds me, possibly the lamest fight ever.
8th Grade – Belching in Class
9th Grade – Lateness to school (Kerry’s fault)
10th Grade – Academic Dishonesty
11th Grade – Misuse of the company intercom (Simond’s Nursery)
Sophmore Year – The infamous snowflake incident
Sophmore Year – The infamous locked stereo (leading to 3 years of disciplinary probation).

There are many others I’m leaving off, but I think these are by far the finest.


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