Monday, January 23, 2006


Can you come to the Hospital?

“Of course, what’s the matter?” Because, it could be a lot of things: a broken bone, a bad flu, a sick relative.

My sister got hit by a car.

“Is she ok?” People get hit by cars and survive. What’s her condition, serious, critical? Is she in surgery? Is it just some scrapes?

She died.

. . .

This was my wake up call yesterday morning. And not only did I have to listen to it then, but I had to listen to her retell the story dozens of times over the course of the day as she called everyone she knew and everyone she knew called her. And then I went to the hospital to view the body. I barely knew the girl and it was still one of the toughest things I’ve done.
I was supposed to spend the day brooding over the fact that I was in rehearsal and not watching the football game. Instead I spent the day brooding over the fact that if I had not turned my phone off Saturday night I could have been there 8 hours earlier.

What can you say? Nothing. There’s nothing you can say to a girl who’s just lost the most important person in her life when they were together just 5 minutes earlier and now she’ll never speak to her again.

I think that’s all I can say. I’m so sorry Rebecca.


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