Monday, June 05, 2006

Al Gore for Senate...again

I’m really starting to worry the democratic party is going to squander one of the most flagrant political opportunities….ever.

If they play their cards right they have the chance to take over both houses of Congress, and yet I fear that they will instead take over no houses of Congress. And let’s do the math: 2/2 is infinitely better than 0/2. The political climate couldn’t be more perfect. I’m talking Newt Gingrich and his whatever-the-hell revolution he used to take both houses in the first place. But the trick was the republicans had Newt. They were united; they ran together as a party with astonishing results. The democrats are not united at all. In fact the only reason they have any chance is because Bush looks so incredibly bad right now, not like the democrats are doing any thing correctly, just screwing up in a less noticeable way.

And that’s why we need Al Gore to run for Senate. Ok, so for a vice president/should be president to run for Senate might seem a regression for him, but it’s the perfect situation. He’s got enough name recognition he could easily step in and win and got enough popularity that while he’s at it he could galvanize the democratic party into a force that could easily overtake both houses. Al, do what’s best for your party. Do what’s best for your country! Al Gore for Senate ’06!

More rejections:
Portland Opera
And…saddest of all…Hawaii Opera…


At 9:49 AM, Blogger Florida Opera/Waitress said...

Judging by the lack of comments...we need a new post!

At 10:49 AM, Blogger M. Janney said...

I see, no one cares about Al Gore like I do.
I had a new post yesterday till blogspot broke down.


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