Friday, June 02, 2006

Life without internet

So this is life without the internet? Different. For those of you who haven’t been keeping up, I’ve been working this week for School of American, which means I haven’t had continual internet access (and free time) for 8 hours everyday. Which also means I’m writing this blog with my own free time, not the companies. I’d better get used to it though, only next week left and I’m done at Lincoln Center

Ray and Phil came up this past weekend. It was great! Saturday they got in at 11PM. Ray and Phil aren’t big drinkers and I had already spent about 5 hours at the beer garden that day so it seemed kind of silly to go to a bar to spend $9 on three cokes, so I took them to Paul’s to get burgers and showed them union square before coming home.

Early the next afternoon I showed them Astoria park. Then came the famed pre-memorial day/birthday/going away party/cookout. Burgers, check. Beer, check. Roof, check. Lots of good friends, check. The strange thing was that because the party started around 5 or so (while it was still light out for grilling) everyone was gone by about 11 or 12 but still had been there 6 or more hours.

Monday, my actual birthday, I showed the boys Lincoln Center, Central Park, and The Met art museum before sending them away on their bus. My birthday itself wasn’t anything spectacular. I went to see X-men 3 that evening with Sophia. Pretty low key, but I had already had my party, so life was good.

Anyway, more about the ballet later.

More rejection letters:
Washington National
Detroit Opera (like I really wanted to move to Detroit)


At 9:33 AM, Blogger Hilary said...

I heart the beer garden.


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