Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Charlotte Church...sizzles

With Erin’s prompting I checked out the new Charlotte Church video. You all remember little Charlotte Church, the angelic pre-teen singing sensation from about 8 years back. Well, take a look at the fine piece or artistic mastery the 20 year old Charlotte Church is engaged in now-a-days.
(It’s protected so I can’t post the video, you have to go to the site)

That isn’t any version of Ave Maria I know.

I think my reaction is best summed up in the ensuing conversation:

RavenEMEF: Did you watch it?
The fedora boy: Wow
RavenEMEF: What did you think?
The fedora boy: I would do so many things to her I can’t describe because I’m at work right now

Charlotte Church grew up (and out in the right places) and is looking pretty damn good. Unfortunately her music choices didn’t grow in the right places. But really, is anyone surprised. This girl has name recognition, she was cute as a girl and is smoking hot as a woman, she’s already had a life of exploitation so obviously she (and her parents when she was younger) have no shame in making the most of whatever she has to offer. And apparently what she has to offer currently is lots of cleavage.
And that’s ok with me; I like to watch the video on mute.


At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey look at me with my almost positive point total! That's what I get for making you watch videos of girls with nice titties.

At 9:50 AM, Blogger Florida Opera/Waitress said...

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At 9:55 AM, Blogger Florida Opera/Waitress said...

At least she has finally gotten out of classical music. No one will be comparing us to her anymore. I think she is now in the studio of Christina Aguellera.

At 10:05 AM, Blogger Jessica said...

I can't stand that girl, even if she is hot.

At 10:06 AM, Blogger M. Janney said...

I heard Christina Aguellera is getting a studio at Peabody next year.

At 12:33 AM, Blogger chiquita yellow gold said...

aw! i'm going to miss that wobbly chin. wiggle wiggle stop


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