Thursday, May 11, 2006

Why's it still so fucking cold!

Shannon isn’t the only one calling 911 lately. Sunday afternoon at 66th St. I see an old man lying in the road if front of a car. I didn’t see him get hit, but it must have just happened since no one else was around yet. I immediately called 911. I like to think a dozen other people did also but I wasn’t around, I went looking for a cop within the block. I must say I’m impressed by the response time of the NYPD. Cops were there in 2 minutes and an ambulance in about 3 (it is the upper west side after all). Anyway, I like to think the old man was fine, it was a light hit and he was down so long because he was old. But I didn’t actually see him get up or even move so…who knows.

In other news, I just sent off about 30 resumes and coverletters to opera companies for next season (including Sarasota, thanks Eliza). I don’t know what to expect, but this is how I got my summer gigs and what the hell, it can’t hurt for a bunch of production managers to see my name. It did end up costing about $50 after envelopes, resume paper and postage. That’s life.

I sent off disproportionately to Florida. Deep down I know I’m still angry I moved to still-fucking-cold-in-mid-May New York and not to a nice beach near Tampa.
Although I’m so glad I decided not to be a teacher.


At 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are not any nice beaches near Tampa, ass.

At 3:34 PM, Blogger Florida Opera/Waitress said...

What? Yes there are! Siesta Key is gorgeous...St. Pete is very nice too....come to think of it, the whole fucking thing is a beach.


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