Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Gotta respect the rejection letter

I got my first rejection letter from the 30 resumes I sent out. Palm Beach Opera…has filled all of their positions. Alas, it really was near the top of the list. Still I have utmost respect for any company willing to reply and let me know they weren’t interested. I send off so many resumes and I never expect to hear back, but I think it says a lot about the person who takes the time to inform me there aren’t any spots open.

So Kudos also to Seattle Opera.

And it looks like we should be having a changing of the guard for the top spot in the much coveted blog points (not that that’s difficult since 4 of the top 5 having made any progress for months).
Tim Hsu, I’m vewy disappointed.

And hey, look at Nattiebo makin’ the board!


At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I'm going for the high score. What is life if you can't win at everything.

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

Try being a soprano, then we'll talk about rejection, mister.


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