Monday, May 08, 2006

Sophisticated conversations with Ryan Stadler

Nothing exciting to post today but here are some snippets from a candid AIM conversation between Ryan Stadler and myself. I guess he gets a few points out of this.

Ryan: You excited about the big night tonight?
Me: Ah, the series finale of 7th heaven
Me: You bet I am
Ryan: Well not just that
Ryan: David Blaine may drown in front of everyone on TV

Me: I hope it happens during a 7th heaven commercial

Me: Are you gonna come see david blaine?
Ryan: Nope
Ryan: I’ll probably watch on tv though
Ryan: It might be interesting to see someone drown

Me: That would be cool
Me: Maybe if he was just weverly brain damaged
Me: Like that terri girl
Ryan: I hear weverly is worse than severly
Me: oh
Me: Well, I don't wish that on him then

Me: Slow day today
Me: 3 hours
Me: 21 calls
Ryan: wow
Ryan: That's about 1 every 10 minutes

Me: umm
Me: 9 minutes
Ryan: Let's not split hairs
Me: Don't start degrading my abilities
Ryan: Which ability is that? Calculating how little you do over a long period of time?
Me: Which I'm getting rather good at

Me: That's a job you need
Me: Porn...critic

Me: When's your brother gonna get me a job
Ryan: Never...he hates you
Me: oh
Me: Is it because I'm a wasp
Ryan: No it's because you're an ass

Me: I'm not discriminate about the ass I get
Ryan: Darryl told me so
Me: I didn't know you too still keep in touch
Ryan: We don't....he took an ad out in the times about it


At 9:21 AM, Blogger Jessica said...

You guyssss

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Florida Opera/Waitress said...


At 9:07 AM, Blogger Jessica said...

listen, i'd really appreciate it if you'd update the scoreboard. I've commented a lot more times.

At 12:21 PM, Blogger M. Janney said...

Hahaha, ok, just for you Jess.


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