Thursday, April 27, 2006

Andrea Hack'celli

Andrea Bocelli tickets just went on sale at work. I hate selling them. Everytime someone calls up I just want to yell at them “Andrea Bocelli is a Hack! Take your $195 a ticket and go to the Met! I don’t care that he’s blind, that just makes him a blind hack! He should be performing in a subway stop like the rest of the blind Hacks!”
But I don’t.
I sell them their tickets and hope they don’t ask me questions like “aren’t you excited he’s coming?” or “Will you be going to the show?” Because I can feign pleasantry when I’m selling, but I’m not sure I can blatantly lie about my feelings of him.

I really hate it when they mispronounce his name. Bocelti. Boselli. Bocioti. You’re going to spend $195 a ticket on a hack performer when you can’t even say his name?!

Enough of that. I really need to eat more. I don’t have a big appetite and sometimes I forget to eat. But it always catches up with me and I end up running to the vending machine getting crap sugary food.

Ah well, Milano cookies are tasty. And I’m still skinny.
I mean…lean and fit.

OH. And I went to the most amazing performance last night. A dance show called "ma" by Akram Khan. But I'm tired of typing so I'll talk about that next time.


At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy I'm glad I don't work there anymore. I HATE that man. There is a pasta commercial that comes on with him singing. His vibrato is so terrible.

Maybe I should gauge my eyes out and then I can be famous!

At 12:35 AM, Blogger chiquita yellow gold said...

totally. i've started to use a wheelchair, and the gigs are just FLYING in!
hi mike!

At 2:37 PM, Blogger Florida Opera/Waitress said...

My dad played me CD by this guy with one arm...maybe we should all just get together and deform eachother. Then we can tour together like Il Divo, but the handicapped version!

At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahah....I think that is the funniest thing ever. I think on your last day of the job you should run around the stage screaming odd words mixed with jumbled chanting. I'd pay good money to see that performance at Lincoln center!


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