Tuesday, May 02, 2006

David Hack'Blaine

David Blaine is swimming around in a fish take outside. I mean it. He’s spending 7 or so days in a small bubble filled with water outside of Lincoln Center.
I’m not impressed and here’s why: everything is accounted for. There’s no chance anything can go wrong. So there’s no risk…he’s just sitting there…hour after hour…swimming around. He has an air tube of course and a diver’s mask. Although I don’t know too many details he is eating something. It’s still pretty cold so I’m sure the temperature is regulated. He has assistants and supervisors always present (the bubble is only about 10 feet in circumference, it’s not like they couldn’t get him out if something happened and just in case something did happen, there’s an ambulance and medical staff here round the clock). I’m not sure about bodily functions, but I’m sure that’s figured out as well.
My favorite thing is the website www.davidblaine.com which shows an animation of him chained inside the bubble with out the diver's mask and the quote "DROWNED ALIVE! Failure means a drowing death!" when, as I've stated above, it looks like a pretty easy life with absolutley no chance of death, whatsoever.

I’m bored just typing about it. Still, there’s always a line to walk past and wave at him.

The only cool part to me is that it’s here at Lincoln Center. And I wonder, who gets money? Did David Blaine pay Lincoln Center to do this? It’s got to run them a tab, with slightly more security and much larger volume of foot-traffic. But it’s great publicity. All these ignorant people who find this fascinating, many of them possibly stepping on the grounds of, let’s admit, one of the greatest artistic facilities in the world, for the first time. Many of them I’m sure have never been to an opera, but with good marketing, maybe could be suckered in. I guess Lincoln Center is a safer place: upper west side, above street level, but I’m sure there were many other places he could have done this just in New York. So did Lincoln Center have to pay him to come here? I’m really curious about the money handling. I’m not really curious about David Blaine.

If only it were Andrea Bocelli trapped in a bubble. Singing round the clock. Under Water.
Or imagine if David Blaine was blind...


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