Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Music Joke

How do you stop a pianist from playing?

Take the music away.

How do you stop a singer from singing?

Put the music back.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Tim and the 'land down under'

timonkhsu: college softball got more tv viewers than the stanley cup playoffs
The fedora boy: hockey sucks
timonkhsu: college softball!!
The fedora boy: I don't even know who's playing

The fedora boy: I joined a world cup pool
The fedora boy: I have Croatia winning the whole thing

timonkhsu: my student asked if he could skip class next week
timonkhsu: for the world cup
timonkhsu: I was like…no

The fedora boy: how about me ASMing school of american ballet
The fedora boy: here's me...and 60 teenage ballerinas

timonkhsu: bad news!!!
The fedora boy: I've decided I'm switching to dance stage management
timonkhsu: because of the young girls
The fedora boy: well, in the professional world they'll at least be legal

timonkhsu: so what else are you up to
The fedora boy: Hilton head
The fedora boy: but this year I plan on blacking out most nights
The fedora boy: although I'm going to try and avoid going to the hospital
The fedora boy: only cause I don’t have insurance

The fedora boy: I think I should date Denise Richards

timonkhsu: uh
timonkhsu: why

The fedora boy: I love her
The fedora boy: I should call her
The fedora boy: how does one get in touch with Denise Richards?
timonkhsu: hm
timonkhsu: I have no idea

(Erin Firnhaber didn’t know either; -8 points for her).

timonkhsu: you’re going back to school?
The fedora boy: although, really I'm not sure there's that much to learn
The fedora boy: it'd just be to get a full ride and have fun
The fedora boy: hook up with some undergrads
The fedora boy: you know
The fedora boy: the usual

timonkhsu: speaking of redheads...Rachael cooper is engaged

The fedora boy: aww
The fedora boy: another one bites the dust
timonkhsu: no kidding

The fedora boy: I thinking about doing an all Tim Hsu post
The fedora boy: but it's going to depend on if the next thing you write is funny
The fedora boy: go
timonkhsu: you should try to find an Australian ballet company to work for...that way you can find those ballerinas...and go to their 'land down under'
The fedora boy: hahahahahah
The fedora boy: oh tim
The fedora boy: that was so worth it

Thursday, June 08, 2006

They're just shoes

I don’t understand women and shoes. That’s it. I don’t get it.

It’s not that I don’t understand them owning a large amount of them. I, for instance, own a decent amount of clothes. It’s because I haven’t really grown since middle school and have been wearing some of the same shirts until they rip or stretch. In fact, my absolute favorite shirt is a blue button down that I bought for my 9th grade homecoming dance…10 years ago! The shirt is amazing because it 1) never wrinkles and 2) is the exact color of my eyes.

But I digress. Here are some shoe stories:

- When my sister moved away from New York she used her boyfriend’s car (Outbacks are station wagons no matter what he says) but had to store stuff at both her New York siblings’ apartments. Now, she could have saved some space in packing, but she refused to consolidate her shoes, shipping dozens of pairs all in their original boxes.

- Apparently I’m living with a shoe-a-holic and didn’t even know it! Steph tells me she has dozens…dozens of pairs at home that she couldn’t bring because the entire space under her bed here is already packed with shoes.

- And my first hand witness when walking the streets of Soho with Sophia where she would peel away mid-sentence and be mesmerized by the shoes in the store windows.

And I just don’t understand it. I own 6 pairs, and I think that’s a lot. That’s sneakers, sandals, blacks, boots, tux shoes and dance shoes (and I haven’t seen my tux shoes in a few months). All of them have practical purposes. I understand having a lot of shoes because, like my clothes, the more you have the less often you’ll wear them and the less often they’ll wear down but 1) I don’t understand how you choose when you have that many and 2) I just don’t get the obsession.

Why? What is it about shoes that appeal to women? They just cover your feet. Men don’t ever notice them (straight men at least. Do gay men notice shoes?).

I don’t think there is a legit answer. I think it is the female equivalent to the conundrum of why men love lesbians (straight men at least. Do gay men love lesbians?).

I’m staying the next two nights at my Gay friends’ apartment. That’s 53rd and 7th, with a balcony. It’s amazing. I’ll ask them.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Al Gore for Senate...again

I’m really starting to worry the democratic party is going to squander one of the most flagrant political opportunities….ever.

If they play their cards right they have the chance to take over both houses of Congress, and yet I fear that they will instead take over no houses of Congress. And let’s do the math: 2/2 is infinitely better than 0/2. The political climate couldn’t be more perfect. I’m talking Newt Gingrich and his whatever-the-hell revolution he used to take both houses in the first place. But the trick was the republicans had Newt. They were united; they ran together as a party with astonishing results. The democrats are not united at all. In fact the only reason they have any chance is because Bush looks so incredibly bad right now, not like the democrats are doing any thing correctly, just screwing up in a less noticeable way.

And that’s why we need Al Gore to run for Senate. Ok, so for a vice president/should be president to run for Senate might seem a regression for him, but it’s the perfect situation. He’s got enough name recognition he could easily step in and win and got enough popularity that while he’s at it he could galvanize the democratic party into a force that could easily overtake both houses. Al, do what’s best for your party. Do what’s best for your country! Al Gore for Senate ’06!

More rejections:
Portland Opera
And…saddest of all…Hawaii Opera…

Friday, June 02, 2006

Life without internet

So this is life without the internet? Different. For those of you who haven’t been keeping up, I’ve been working this week for School of American, which means I haven’t had continual internet access (and free time) for 8 hours everyday. Which also means I’m writing this blog with my own free time, not the companies. I’d better get used to it though, only next week left and I’m done at Lincoln Center

Ray and Phil came up this past weekend. It was great! Saturday they got in at 11PM. Ray and Phil aren’t big drinkers and I had already spent about 5 hours at the beer garden that day so it seemed kind of silly to go to a bar to spend $9 on three cokes, so I took them to Paul’s to get burgers and showed them union square before coming home.

Early the next afternoon I showed them Astoria park. Then came the famed pre-memorial day/birthday/going away party/cookout. Burgers, check. Beer, check. Roof, check. Lots of good friends, check. The strange thing was that because the party started around 5 or so (while it was still light out for grilling) everyone was gone by about 11 or 12 but still had been there 6 or more hours.

Monday, my actual birthday, I showed the boys Lincoln Center, Central Park, and The Met art museum before sending them away on their bus. My birthday itself wasn’t anything spectacular. I went to see X-men 3 that evening with Sophia. Pretty low key, but I had already had my party, so life was good.

Anyway, more about the ballet later.

More rejection letters:
Washington National
Detroit Opera (like I really wanted to move to Detroit)