Friday, June 09, 2006

Tim and the 'land down under'

timonkhsu: college softball got more tv viewers than the stanley cup playoffs
The fedora boy: hockey sucks
timonkhsu: college softball!!
The fedora boy: I don't even know who's playing

The fedora boy: I joined a world cup pool
The fedora boy: I have Croatia winning the whole thing

timonkhsu: my student asked if he could skip class next week
timonkhsu: for the world cup
timonkhsu: I was like…no

The fedora boy: how about me ASMing school of american ballet
The fedora boy: here's me...and 60 teenage ballerinas

timonkhsu: bad news!!!
The fedora boy: I've decided I'm switching to dance stage management
timonkhsu: because of the young girls
The fedora boy: well, in the professional world they'll at least be legal

timonkhsu: so what else are you up to
The fedora boy: Hilton head
The fedora boy: but this year I plan on blacking out most nights
The fedora boy: although I'm going to try and avoid going to the hospital
The fedora boy: only cause I don’t have insurance

The fedora boy: I think I should date Denise Richards

timonkhsu: uh
timonkhsu: why

The fedora boy: I love her
The fedora boy: I should call her
The fedora boy: how does one get in touch with Denise Richards?
timonkhsu: hm
timonkhsu: I have no idea

(Erin Firnhaber didn’t know either; -8 points for her).

timonkhsu: you’re going back to school?
The fedora boy: although, really I'm not sure there's that much to learn
The fedora boy: it'd just be to get a full ride and have fun
The fedora boy: hook up with some undergrads
The fedora boy: you know
The fedora boy: the usual

timonkhsu: speaking of redheads...Rachael cooper is engaged

The fedora boy: aww
The fedora boy: another one bites the dust
timonkhsu: no kidding

The fedora boy: I thinking about doing an all Tim Hsu post
The fedora boy: but it's going to depend on if the next thing you write is funny
The fedora boy: go
timonkhsu: you should try to find an Australian ballet company to work for...that way you can find those ballerinas...and go to their 'land down under'
The fedora boy: hahahahahah
The fedora boy: oh tim
The fedora boy: that was so worth it


At 10:46 AM, Blogger Jessica said...

unbelievable tripe. you've got quite a career ahead of you.


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