Monday, February 13, 2006

Am I nuts?

Let’s recap the last few days:

Thursday: work 9 – 5, rehearsal 6:30 – 10, production meeting 10 – 12
Friday: work 9 – 5, rehearsal 6:30 – 10
Saturday: rehearsal 11:30 – 6:30, director meeting (over dinner and coffee) 6:30 – 10:30
Sunday: rehearsal 12 – 8, benefit happy hour 8 – 10:30

Not that I’m complaining cause the thing is, I love it. I mean, I don’t love going into work. In fact, I dread going into work more and more every day and keeping looking forward to that day where I can leave this place. But I love going to rehearsal. I love having production meetings and am (apparently) willing to put in all hours that are needed to do so. I think part of it is the people I’m working with are fantastic. I think part of it is that I just enjoy what I’m doing.

And it’s a good thing I love what I’m doing because people ask “Why? What do you get out of it?” Nothing. I mean, realistically, I’m not going to use these people as references, I hope to leave the straight theater business for opera as soon as possible so I’ll hopefully never work for them again. I do it cause I love it and because it will be a good show (thanks partly to me).


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