Monday, March 27, 2006

Great morning

So I switched my work schedule from 9 – 5 to 10 – 6. Same hours I used to work in Baltimore. The timing couldn’t be better. It will come right as it gets warmer and not too long before day light savings. Also I’m not doing any show right away where I would need to get off by 5 to get to a theater. It should be a nice way to finish this last month and a half before I (hopefully) leave.

The problem is I can’t convince myself to go to sleep before midnight. I’ve tried, but until 12:30 rolls around, I’m just not tired and have to force myself to bed. It was the worst when I was student teaching and I had to get up before 6AM everyday, but it was such work to get to bed before midnight. We’ve all read those reports about how you need 8 hours of sleep at night or it starts to affect your productivity. Well it’s true with me. I’ve been getting about 6 hours a night for the past two months and sometimes it shows. For instance, I read emails 3 or 4 times before I send them out and yet still I will look back and find typos. It’s frustrating and I blame the continual lack of a full night’s rest.

Anyway, today was my first 10:00 day and it was great. I wasn’t rushed, the trains weren’t busy, and I feel refreshed. This should be a change for the better.


At 5:00 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

Hopefully now you can eat a HUGE breakfast and put on some weight. Your waistline is smaller than mine!!

At 11:47 AM, Blogger M. Janney said...

Hey, if you're cooking it I'll be eating it.


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