Friday, March 17, 2006

Santa Fe, my old friend, I aint gettin' any younger

I just had my interview with Santa Fe Opera for their summer season for a crew supervisor position. I think it went well, but I’m not overly enthusiastic, if only because they only have two open positions. I think I gave a great interview. I talked about my Peabody experiences with a crew and then my New York experiences working without one and I talked about my education degree and what it has taught me about working with people. I never missed a beat. I’m a little worried I was too professional. That I always new what the right answer was.
We’ll see. If I don’t get it I assume I’ll get just a regular crew position, not one of the staff positions so either way I should be in Santa Fe for the summer. Mid-May to late-August

I haven’t written in a while. Quite a while. It’s been a rough month and every time I went to write it seemed like what I was writing wasn’t as important as what I wanted to write, but couldn't. I hope this will start me up again once or twice a week.


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