Thursday, March 23, 2006

No rest for the wicked

I was just thinking about the fact that the last day I did not go to a theater was February 13th. And the next day I don’t have to be in a theater is April 2nd. That’s over a month and a half I have had to be at some rehearsal or performance straight! And that doesn’t even included going to work everyday.

Well anyway, Joe and Mel are coming up this weekend. I’m a little busy, but I do have Saturday night off to do dinner and drinks with the Peabody crowd. Should be fun. I haven’t seen Joe in way too long. And Joe still owes me $10 (which I owe to Tim). Speaking of, Erin and Kevin also owe me $10. It’s not that I care about getting $10 from them, but the fact that I won it in a pool means I have to collect. You know, for the integrity of the pool.


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