Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Catching up

By taking the longest vacation I’ve taken since moving to New York, I have had a fantastic 5 days in Baltimore. Actually, it was a forced vacation. My job cut back hours this week so I suddenly found myself off Friday - Tuesday.

The best thing about the trip was that it was good to be missed. So many people seemed so happy to see me. I guess I haven’t been home for 4 months so they had better miss me.

Worst event of the trip was learning that I don’t have a birth certificate so I can’t get a passport right away so I can’t take the offered trip to Panama in May. I’m trying to forget about it and not be bitter (even though I’ve never left the country and this would have been the perfect opportunity), but so it goes.

And I did get into Santa Fe. Not on the staff, but at least in the crew. So I’ll be there late May to late August.

Hmm, not the most interesting post I’ve written, but I had some catching up to do. So…tune back in Friday and you’ll learn all about pissing like a race horse; literarily.


At 11:35 PM, Blogger Hilary said...

Congrats on Santa Fe! A friend of mine will be there- a baritone named Jesse Blumberg. He's a wonderful singer, and just a nice guy. If you meet him, tell him you know me!

At 10:15 AM, Blogger M. Janney said...

Thanks Hilary! I'm excited. My opera resume needs something other than Peabody. And no New York summer.


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