Monday, April 10, 2006

My new crush

Shannon recently reminded me that I have failed to mention the newest crush in my life. Her name is Lynn Cohen. Or as most of you know her, Magda, Cynthia Nixon’s house keeper from Sex and the City (or Judge Elizabeth Mizener from Law and Order or Golda Meir in Munich).

I’m terrible at celebrity spotting. Some people could point out anyone on the street. I could be walking with Vince Vaughn on my left and Susan Sarandon on my right and probably never take notice. So be it I wouldn’t have known who Lynn Cohen was when I met her if the cast hadn’t been talking about her. She’s the wife of a very funny gentleman, Ron Cohen, one of the actors in the show I just finished.

It’s especially cool because not only did I meet her, but hung out with her many times. She came to four shows and both cast parties. The thing is; I get nervous around her. Not because I’m start struck because she’s a semi-recognizable actress, but because she’s such a sweetheart that that I developed a small crush and I feel like I’m in middle school again whenever I talk to her. My director (well, now ex-director) has a crush on her as well. He’s gay. Advantage: Me.

I did have a very nice conversation without the voice cracking and stuttering. The problem was it was the first cast party (see post: Mission Drunk – Accomplished). She was asking all about my summer plans and my vocal degree and how I became a stage manager; whilst I tried my hardest not to fall over or spill my drink on her (and I proudly did neither).

Here’s to you, Lynn. I’ll miss you.


At 12:59 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

finally a guy who really can appreciate a mature woman


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