Thursday, March 30, 2006

I Blame God

I was reading about the Sago mine survivor who left the hospital today. They’ve renamed the street he lives on as Miracle Road. Now his story is truly remarkable. It’s amazing he made it out and I do hope he can recover physically and psychologically and lead a healthy and happy life. But I would like to look at some of the quotes:

“I would like to thank everybody for their thoughts and prayers.” – Randy McCloy

“Today is another part of the Miracle.” – Anna McCloy

“West Virginia does believe in Miracles.” – Governor Manchin

And now I’m going to pick a fight with my theological friends. How come God gets to be praised as the performer of miracles, the saver of Randy McCloy, and the benevolent all powerful? God is thanked many more times than say, the rescue workers or the doctors who actually saved his life.

But more importantly, if God is the bringer of miracles then why doesn’t God get blamed for the tragedy of the other 12 miners. Why didn’t God save them all? What we’re saying here is that God, who is busy overseeing the universe, stretched out his hand to save this one miner, yet let the other 12 suffer and die. Where was God’s plan in letting an accident happen, killing 12 men and leaving one with brain damage?

All I’m saying is that God gets great PR. It’s a miracle when God saves one miner in West Virginia, but no one blames God for the 2,000+ soldiers killed in Iraq or the millions killed in the Darfur genocide.

If God is omnipresent then he should get a lot more blame than he does. The religious should hold God accountable because, even though he saved one miner in West Virginia, he’s not doing too much to help the rest of the majorly fucked up world he made.


At 8:55 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

Let's make signs and parade them around!!! I'll get the markers and poster board!


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