Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Mission Drunk - Accomplished

I think my weekend can be best summed up by the fact that Sunday at 6:00AM I woke up from being asleep on my bathroom floor. I have to admit, it’s been a while since I’ve done this. It would have been funnier if one of my roommates had found me there, oh well.

Saturday was the cast party for my current show and I had one goal. Get really drunk. Well, mission accomplished. Apparently text messaging is the new drunk dialing. I text messaged about a dozen people that night. My memories are spotty. I called Erin and my sister. Vomitted on 7th Ave. Went into the subway station, but ended up taking a cab home. I’m not sure how much money I gave him, because the next thing I remember it’s 6 and I’m in my bathroom.

I don’t think it’s that I had that much to drink; it’s that I haven’t really drank in bout 3 months.

Sunday, after I managed to get up, it was Kerry’s birthday so I spent a lovely, albeit hungover, day with my sisters.

And Monday, which I had off and had planned to go somewhere cool, somewhere away from NY, I spent doing all the things I was supposed to do Sunday. Cooking, cleaning, and Laundry. Ah well.

Now I have the start of the cold. The whole cast of this show had it and I thought I had avoided it. Hopefully it will be brief and mild.


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