Thursday, December 29, 2005

Prosthetic Limb

The MTA has advertisements in their subway cars and sometimes they use the space themselves to keep riders informed of all the things the MTA isn't doing to help the public. One advertisement shows that the MTA has a lost and found if you’ve lost something on the subway (I hope someone takes home my gloves and treats them well. I've already replaced them). And there is a cartoon style picture of all the things you could have lost such as: cd players, numerous balls and games, sunglasses, crutches (that's a stretch, but I'll take it). But by far the one that stands out, right in the middle, is a prosthetic leg.
"Yes I'm here to check out the lost and found, I seem to have lost my FAKE LIMB!"
It has to be a joke. Someone at the MTA thought it would be very funny to put it on there, but it sure looks like they meant it. Maybe they ran out of things you could possibly lose on the subway and they really worry someone might lose their prosthetics.

Another advertisement is for a visual art school, or something. They have a "catchy" motto on their sign that reads "How bad do you want to be good." How BAD??? Try how badly!!! Now I know what they're going for here. It's a motto. They don't want it to sound up tight. But how dare any want-to-be “educational” institution flaunt poor grammar so fragrantly. I know my grammar is rarely perfect, but I'm not

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Lost Gloves

I lost my gloves today on the subway. They were good gloves and they served me well (leather, a christmas present from my sister two winters ago) but I set them on my lap and rushed to leave a busy subway and they were dropped to the floor. I guess I'll never see them again. I'm a little sad.

Lost glove day. 12/28. A day that will live in infamy.

Isn't there a children's poem about a kitten that lost her mittens? Anyone remember how that goes?

In other news, I have two interviews over the next two days for stage management positions. They both look like big busy shows so I'll see what they have to say. I've finally gotten to the point where I'm comfortable turning down shows. A show has to have potential for great contacts or pay decently to be considered. Oh and I just got a very nice email from Fort Worth Opera turning down my ASM application. I think very highly of comapnies that bother to contact you when they aren't interested.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Official Christmas

Perhaps a few of you remember the ever popular This is its continuation. I've started it out of sheer boredom. 40 hours a week I'm here at work doing customer service and I have run out of things to do on the internet (at least, work appropriate things). So I'm postponing my novel in order to write a blog. And if a few of you who live far away check on it occasionally, then it is probably worth while.

I'm continaully amazed at how many people have no idea how to conduct a normal conversation with a costumer service rep. How many people can call having no idea what they want to order or are surprised, even angry, to find there is a service fee or fight with their spouses or let their children scream and dogs bark in the background. I don't think most of these people are rude or stupid in real life but give them a phone and a stranger and they lose their wits.

But you'll here plenty about customers, today's blog is about administration. The official holiday for christmas was Monday, 12/26. But that means that the people that worked ON christmas don't get double holiday pay because that's not the official holiday. Holy Shit! If I had come in on Christmas day and found out I wasn't getting holiday pay I would have gone nuts! I wouldn't have dropped it till I talked to every damn person in the place. That is rediculously messed up.
And that is where I work.

By the way, Phil Ranker, if you ever read this thanks for the Family Guy. Great gift.